In my Final Major Project, I aim to explore the unusual combinations achieved when morphing animals, humans and inanimate objects. I’ll research into the idea of evolution as a starting point for animals morphing into humans. I’ll also explore a play on scale, change of environments and displacement. The idea of animals morphing or humans changing shape can be tracked back through history including Celtic mythology and Far East folklore, which is why I plan on visiting The British Museum and the V&A Museum as they may both contain historical inspiration. I’m also thinking about looking into the idea of cloning, repetition and fragmenting, and thinking about using techniques such as screen printing or photocopying that allow me to print an image continuously until it changes or disappears. I could look into shapes of different things, for example; the triangle of a cat’s ear resembles a wolf’s tooth or a spinning top or a person’s nose. I plan on using a range of materials which I’ll have a clearer idea of once I start my research. I’m interested in using bone as a material (chicken bone once bleached) as it’s one of the common things between animals and humans. I’m intrigued to see what happens if bone is grated into large shavings – whether they’ll resemble feathers or fur.
I'll try and keep up to date with blogging about my FMP and hopefully it won't fail like it has so far.
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