Wednesday, 13 October 2010


You probably all know who this dude is, Eadweard Muybridge. As well as having the most complicated way of spelling the most simplest of names, he also took really cool photographs.
I visited his exhibition at the Tate Britain (I'll upload my sketches later). I liked a lot of his photographs, especially the panoramic ones of San Francisco. The thing I found most intriguing about them was the fact the buildings looked like they could belong in a modern landscape but when you looked closer you could see the occasional horse and cart in the road and it hits you as to how long ago these photos were actually taken.
I liked how eerie a lot of his photos were, and I found a lot of the landscape ones seemed unreal, more like paintings rather than photographs.
The only thing I found difficult was grasping the concept of how ground-breaking his sequence/motion photographs were, as I'm part of a generation who have grown up with photography, animations and movies all our lives. Maybe it's just me.

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